mardi 14 août 2007

sexual healing

I have nothing interesting to share with the world tonight. Maybe except this:

(Advice from an old soul.)

note: this is the kind of writing that was never intented to be read by "the public", so consequently it can be unpleasant to read ( and you might not completely understant the purpose of both opinions.)

not everything is about sex yknow?
wassup wassup ewaasupwassupwassup

Oh i did not mean that! Maybe im wrong, (this is my perspective anyway) but the way ive always pictured human relationships is that Friendship is either Pure or Fake, and Love is either Fake....or....indescriptible. I know that human nature can reveal itself to be rather dark somtimes, and ive been raised always knowing that. And ive ALWAYS been desillusioned (or désillusion?) about "love". Love is 95% of the time a a blurry territory were people get lost and is often used to control someone. It is also communly used as a trick, to GET SEX. But sexuality, on the other hand, is HONEST. And dont ask me why, dude, but I dont see myself as someone Loveable, and I cant picture somebody wanting something from me without having sex on his mind. (Im not talking about friendship of course). Thats why Ive always favored Friends and honest sex (assumé)(and can ALSO be magnificent, beautiful, brilliant sex) TO somthing as Rusé and Impredicable and Dangerous and Fake as love.

You are crazy! You cant say you wont be loved! Your just letting yourself believe you cant just think that all guys that want to be You just means they have sex on their mind
not all guys are the same some can suprisingly be so caring and of course sex will play a part
n any relationship but its not the main thing that holds two people together
not at allits when two people have mutual feelings for each
it doesnt necessarily mean it will always end bad quick
you just have to believe in a person and it can happen

Youll find love one day.

La Fin

Ce thème est souvent exploré dans les films de Catherine Breillat. Son talent et sa vision m'ont toujours épatée. Son nouveau film, "Une vieille maitresse", bien qu'un film d'époque, n'aura probablement rien en commun avec la pluparts des films d'époque.
J'ai horreur des films d'époque.

Pourquoi pas? Je devrais me mettre dans le bain et lire Candide de Voltaire, ou Justine du Marquis de Sade...

Pour en revenir à Breillat, je devrais revoir mes deux favoris:

Et pour ce qui est du reste, c'est trop superficiel et peu intéressant... Ce qui m'obsède présentement c'est de pouvoir développer, éclore, vivre hors de mes peurs. Non de parler a un public fantôme des jeans que je vais me procurer.

1 commentaire:

Clémence Polès a dit…

Putain, ces films ont l'air trop bien...
tu les as trouver ou?
Tu as leur torrent site par hazard?